Design, Consulting, and One-Off Projects, all carried out with care & consideration

Logo Design

I love to help business owners solve the visual problem of what icon/text combination best represents their business to the world. It’s a simple problem with a structured process to find the solution. I know what to do each step of the way to make sure you walk away with a logo that feels just like you!

Visual Design

Visual Design is a subsection of Brand Design that focuses on all the visual assets that people think of when they think about your brand! Moodboarding is a key part of the process that comes after our discovery call. Together, we’ll synthesize everything you want your brand to feel like and then going into goblin mode while we search the internet for evocative photography, typography, and color palettes that bring your brand to life!

Website Design

We’ll work together to create a website through Squarespace that is accessible, easy to use, and supports your business goals through every design decision we make. Oh, and of course it will be beautiful!

Let’s Talk!

We love talking with people from all different industries, backgrounds, and locations!

If you’d like to meet, please fill out the form to the best of your ability and we will reply within 1 - 2 business days.